Saturday, October 6, 2018

Don't rush . . . Don't stop . . .

For as long as people have been addicted to alcohol and drugs, there have been three results to those addictions:  jails, institutions, and death.  There are no exceptions.  There are no get out of free jail cards.  No one can cheat the death of end stage of addiction.  The sad truth (editorial rant) is that for many years people have been dying at the hand of their addictions.  It's just recently that people are actually talking about it.  It's okay, think back over the years of your life and you will likely remember a suicide, unexplained death, or one of unknown and mysterious causes.  Those were most likely related to substance use or addiction and were just not talked about because people were unaware of the addiction or the family was too ashamed to let the truth be known.  The focus on the opioid epidemic has awakened a quite monster in our society.  A monster that has lived on inner-city streets, in backrooms of bars, and within crack houses of small towns like Marion, Indiana for decades.  Not until it hit soccer moms, good people being over-prescribed painkillers, and frankly, White America, did anyone pay attention much less give a darn.  That is the sad but true face of addiction in America.  That is why I speak out.  That is why I share my prison journal.  That is why I blog about my story and my journey.  I want people to know that addiction does not discriminate, does not exclude, and does not lead anywhere but to those same jails, same institutions, and same death mentioned above (editorial rant over). 

Luckily, and by the grace of God, my addiction led me to prison where I could find the hardest thing besides my addiction: CHANGE.

Change is hard.  Change is difficult.  Change takes time.  Change is painful.  Do this for me right now - - cross your arms.  Now, uncross them and cross them the exact opposite way. . . STOP AND DO THIS NOW. . . How ridiculously uncomfortable, weird, and awkward was that?  Something you have been doing your whole life and if asked to change it, it is all sorts of hard.  Imagine being addicted to something that has been your whole life:  more important than your kids, your family, your career, your law license, your respect, your name, and on and on and on.  Simply put, in end stage addiction, DRUGS = SURVIVAL.  Now, go and change that. . . are you kidding me?  Addiction was miserable and change is hard. Period. End of story.


In my life and in the lives of many that hang out with, work with, and help out in their own recovery, God has been the chain breaker and the change maker.  God stepped into my life and things started to happen but there was no magic cure - - there never is.  I still had to work, to surrender DAILY, to study the Bible, to listen to God and to others who might know a little more about recovery than I do, and to work a daily program of recovery.  A friend of mine, Mike Henson, Jr., who is not in recovery but works with those of us who are, says this about people in recovery, "I have seen so many people struggle to change and work so hard to better their lives and those people are the strongest people I have ever met.  They are survivors.  They are warriors."  

God sets the stage for change by His grace, His mercy, His forgiveness, and the promise of a new life in Him.  But, He also whispers, "there is work to be done."  God changes the hearts of men but we still have to work on the brain!!! Addiction is a powerful enemy. . . But, God. . . 

If you or someone you know is struggling in addiction, there is hope and change is possible.  Just like crossing your arms differently gets easier, change is smoother the more you pray, the longer you work at it, and the more you accept and surrender your addiction and your life to God.  You didn't . . . wait for it . . . become addicted overnight and you won't change in that same period of time.


If you are using right now - - put the pipe, the needle, or the bottle down and pray.  Focus on quitting and not on your past mistakes.  When we focus on our problems we lose sight of of our source of power and strength.  Trust in God.  Hope and change will follow.

Gregory Boyle says, "Trust in the slow work of God.  Ours is a God who waits.  Who are we not to?  It takes what it takes for the great turnaround.  Wait for it."  

If you are stuck today all you have to do is take that first step away from the dead end sign.  God will walk with you and so will everyone else in recovery.  

Just ask for help. 

If you are struggling, it's okay. . . help is only a prayer away. 

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