Saturday, July 28, 2018

Me too. . . . .

from my journal..... addiction causes brokenness and pain and I honestly believe that both are necessary to show my own weakness and then the unwavering strength that comes from God.  I believe that the glory of God is revealed in my brokenness, in this prison cell, in the times when I can't get it right, or in my addiction that I can't seem to overcome alone.  

God's core value is at it's absolute highest when I am at my absolute lowest.  This doesn't mean that my pain, my struggle, or my addiction is magically or miraculously lifted but it does mean that the silent existence of God is alive in my brokenness.....He is there with me in my pain....our pain.  That is half the battle. Knowing that the God I serve is always there with me in my down times, my prisons, and my addictions.  He never leaves. Never has. Never will.  It took me a long time to realize that simple truth and to trust him in my brokenness.  Funny the lessons we learn in the prisons of our decisions, our lives, and our dreams. 

The other half of the battle is having someone you love, look up to, respect, or maybe just met in a meeting say to you the most human words of all......"me too."  Me too says above all other things, I understand.... I've been there.... I know what you are feeling...... I see you...... I appreciate you.......

It's God putting someone in my path that has the same or similar journey to encourage me, strengthen me, and give me hope.

C.S. Lewis said, "friendship is born at the moment when one man says to another, 'What! You too? I thought that no one but myself......"  The start of every friendship in my recovery has been with the words....Me Too.....Me too ---- you are not alone----we are the same.  Those simple words connect me to so many who have helped me in this journey.  I surely believe that God did for me what I could not do for myself and by his Grace he walks with me in this journey.  But, I also believe that he put a lot of people in my path to too. 

If you have ever said the words "me too" to me, I appreciate you,   I see you, and I thank you for sharing your own personal grace with me.  God's grace is amazing and awe-inspiring but sometimes I need the grace of a fellow man saying "me too" to help me experience the grace of a friend.

I am sharing this today because yesterday I got to experience not only the grace of God but also the grace of a friend walking her own journey of recovery.  Her struggles and her story remind me of myself and we were both able to say to each other...."me too."

If you are struggling, it's is only a prayer away.

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