Thursday, August 2, 2018

Slow down, take a look around, and listen. .

From my journal. . . I met with a dear friend this week and we had an amazing visit and we learned a lot about each other, our journeys, and our God. At the end of our talk, my friend said this, "I always pray for you to take care of yourself so that you can continue to help others. And, remember you can't help everyone. . ."

I have thought about that since our meeting and it's really true. My life was devastated by my addiction and I fight tooth and nail to share my journey in the hope that someone can avoid my pitfalls, my mistakes, and my failures. It's as if I think I can will someone to read, someone to get it, and someone to change. At the end of the day, I know that's not possible but it's my passion and I try. . . Hard.

I am learning that my journey is mine and simply sharing it is healing for me and others who need it or know someone who does. I am learning that I can't help anyone who isn't ready. I know that one all too well. Ask any of my family, my friends, or anyone who knew the old me. . . I wasn't ready until I hit the cold, wet, and dark floors of prison.

I'm also learning that the best way to help people is to take care of myself first and just live my life out in the open, sharing along the way, and accepting anything God lays in my path.

Today's self-care list is pictured and I pray for each of you today and please say a silent prayer of self care, acceptance, and gratitude for me and my dear friend who helped me more than they know.

If you're struggling it's okay, help is only a prayer away.

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