Saturday, March 16, 2019

Prayers and shares appreciated. . .

From my journal. . . my favorite minister at Plainfield Correctional Facility used to say when God would put something on his heart that it was "hot off the presses."

This entry is hot off the presses.

This is one of the 5 Rules of Recovery that we focus on when helping one another on this journey. It is important to CREATE a NEW life in which it's easier to not use.

People way smarter than me have said it best . . . "Wishing for your old life back is like wishing for a relapse." To that I say, "that will PREACH."

One way to create a new life is for our communities to provide safe, affordable, structured, and supervised sober living environments for those in recovery. We lack that in Grant County. We do a lot well in our community and for those in recovery. But, we fall woefully short in this area.

I want to change that. I can't do it alone. I preach to those I work with to ask for help and so I am going to practice what I preach and do the same. I am praying about this all through the season of lent and I ask you to join in me in that prayer.

After you prayerfully consider this idea during Lent, and after Easter, if you interested in joining with me to start a recovery home or homes here's how you can let me know -

Call or text me 765-667-0150

Email me

Send me a direct message on Facebook

Send me a letter to 1916 West James Drive, Marion, Indiana 46952

Stop me when you see me.

Send a raven like they do in the Game of Thrones.

Just get with me anyway you can and let's stop talking and do something together.

Here's what we will need:

Volunteer hours
A house or houses
More prayer
Community support
No judgment
A solidly trained staff of certified peer support specialists
A partnership with a treatment team
Church collaboration

And. . . More prayer than anything

How can you help today? Pray with me until Easter then get with me.

If you're struggling it's okay help is only a prayer away.

#teambealrecovery #hopehouse #bealfrommyjournal #soberliving #askforhelp #prayerchangesthings #practicewhatyouteach #recoverycoach #retiredcrackhead #soberhouse #serenityprayer

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