Saturday, November 3, 2018

It takes what it takes...

I was running this morning and as my feet were pounding the pavement, I was in awe of how beautiful God’s creation is during this time of the year.  Today, the fall foliage was brilliant with bursts of yellow, red, and orange highlighted evermore by the intensity and warmth of the fiery sunlight.  The leaves crunching under my feet as I ran sounded like I was wondering through the woods and breaking twigs and sticks as I landed on each step.  The rooftops were white with frost waiting on the sun to warm them up and awaken my neighbors inside.  I have had many such runs where I was reminded of God’s power and His grace.  I have run on beaches next to the Great Lakes and His powerful oceans and on wooded trails and paved River-walks. I have also run inside the walls and suffering of a prison yard.  Wherever I have run, I was in awe of the creation of this Earth and of myself.  This brings me to the topic of today - - Gratitude.
People ask me all the time, “What is the most important thing in recovery?”  I tell them thank you for asking and that is LOADED QUESTION…
We all have heard that recovery takes honesty, acceptance, patience, humility, surrender, an open mind, and a willingness to change just one thing…  EVERYTHING. Doesn’t that sound like fun?  Who wants to join me on that journey?  Now you know why I say that people who are in recovery are simply put, ROCK STARS.  If you are in recovery or close to someone who is, you already know what I am talking about.  If you don’t get what I am saying, try this little exercise out.  Pick a sin of yours, a mistake that is causing you quality of life problems, or simply your diet. 
Got one?  Great.  Now, I need you to be 110% honest with EVERYONE about it.  I need you to accept it.  I need you to surrender it.  I need you to talk about it with another person and in a group.  I need you to keep an open mind and I need you to change it…NOW.  Oh, and if you slip up and do “it” again…REPEAT…WASH…RINSE…REPEAT.   Get my drift? 
That is just a small percentage of what recovery looks like for those working a program.  Most people (no offense) can’t make it to February of each year with their New Year’s Resolution of eating healthier, no caffeine, no polar pops (I know you are out there), or even exercising three times a week.  So, when you see friend in recovery let them know you are proud of them because they are what life change looks like and they are a WARRIOR.
Now, where was I?  Oh, yeah, recovery.  What is the most important part of recovery?  I am not sure if I can pick just one, but I do know that for people struggling with addiction to turn their lives around, it takes what it takes.  To finally get to the point that it takes what it takes, I suggest that it also takes a whole bunch of gratitude and that takes practice.  LOTS of PRACTICE.
William James wrote, “the greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”  Let me translate that.  Simply put, if we can practice gratitude on the inside, we can live a great life.  Gratitude is realizing, understanding, and appreciating that who you are is enough. And when you have enough, you have plenty.  When you have plenty, you no longer need mind altering substances to fill a void, heal a pain, or get you through the day.  Gratitude is the ultimate acceptance of who I am and who God made me to be.  If I stay grateful in my life, my prayers, my walk, and my talk, I don’t think about anything but my recovery. 
I make more gratitude lists than to do lists because the first makes me realize that the last is up to God.  I am not perfect by any means and I accept that (another foundation of recovery 😊).  The goal is not perfection but a wholeness anchored in grateful living, in knowing what I have.  Simply put, there’s only one kind of person who can recover and transform themselves and the world - - - the one with the grateful heart.
I am grateful for so many things and today I am especially grateful for this tree in my neighbors yard.  It reminds me of who I am and where I need to be every day - - in recovery.  
Today, I am stupid grateful.
What are you grateful for in this moment?  Please comment, like and share and then go like my Team Beal Recovery Page on Facebook.  Thank you.
If you are struggling, it’s okay…help is only a prayer away.

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